Live program

Crown World Mobility Event Agenda

A flexible and engaging program

Navigating the global mobility landscape within the university setting presents unique challenges, from varying employment arrangements to budget constraints and international jurisdictions. These complexities require a specialised understanding that goes beyond the typical scope of mobility management. 

Join us for an event created by university mobility professionals, specifically for university mobility professionals. This event is tailored to address the specific intricacies and challenges encountered in managing global mobility within the tertiary education and research sector. 

Day one – Thursday, 14 March 2024

9:00 – 9:30am

Welcome and networking (coffee, tea will be provided)

Introduction and Icebreaker


-Presented by Crown



Overview of Subclass 408 visa

How the visas are utilised

Discuss challenges associated with current processes

What are the needs of internal stakeholders?


-Presented by Aristotle Paipetis, Principal, & Tatiana Paipetis, Manager, Visa Lawyers Australia

11:00 – 11:20am

Morning tea

Morning tea


11:20am – 12:30pm

Present and discuss on the findings of a recent survey

Present and discuss on the findings of a recent survey regarding global mobility and policies at Australian universities.


-Presented by Nicelle Galeano, Global Mobility Lead, CSIRO


Lunch and networking

Lunch and networking


Exploring remote work and working abroad considerations for universities

Panel discussion addressing the diverse challenges associated with remote working scenarios.

Leverage insights from our guest speakers’ expertise during the conversation.

Follow by discussion around what it means to universities with interactive questions.


Panel discussion hosted by

Tracey Glyde, Senior Advisor, Curtin University

Karla Costa, Principal, Mercer

Justin Batticciotto, Associate Director – Tax, SW Accountants & Advisors


Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea


Open discussion within the group to share and discuss plans for 2024

Addressing general topics that may have arisen throughout the day.

Learning and knowledge exchange.


-Facilitated by Crown


Day one concludes

Day one concludes

Dinner at (venue TBC). Register here <Link>

Day two – Friday, 15 March 2024




9:00 – 10:00am

Breakfast and presentation

Nisha will discuss the experiences of Monash University’s mobility team as they oversee an international mobility program for the university.


-Presented by Nisha Khehra, Global Mobility Manager, Monash University


Provide insights and suggestions for growing your personal brand.

Provide insights and suggestions for growing your personal brand.

-Presented by Vincent Tackoen, Managing Partner at Talent Mobility Search

11:00- 11:30am

Morning tea

Morning Tea

11:30am – 12:30pm

Post-it notes session

Open discussion on any additional subjects we gathered over the past two days.


Day two concludes

Day two concludes