Relocate with ease: 5 tips when moving overseas from Australia

Australian passport with the world map in the background

Moving overseas is an exciting opportunity, but it comes with its own set of unique challenges. Such a large move requires careful planning and preparation. That’s why we’ve put together some helpful tips to help make your relocation across borders even smoother.

1. Research the country

When moving overseas from Australia, doing your research on the destination country before the move can be just as important as the relocation itself. Be sure to learn about the country’s culture, climate, laws, customs and traditions. This will give you a better understanding of the people and their way of life while also helping to minimise the risk of culture shock. Researching online, attending cultural events and classes, or reading guidebooks can give you access to a wide range of information about your new home. At Crown Relocations, we have put together a series of Destination Country Guides to help you move overseas with confidence.

Crowded Oxford Circus Station entrance in London

2. Consider joining expat groups

Joining an expat group will give you access to a range of knowledge and experience from other individuals who have already gone through the process of moving overseas. In addition to providing practical support, being part of an expat community will help you build your social network quicker and provide a support system when you need it most. Expat groups will also organise activities or events which you and your family can attend. This is a great opportunity to explore your new home and learn about the culture and customs of your destination country.

3. Organise your finances

Moving overseas can be a costly endeavour, so it’s essential to sort out your finances before you relocate to a new country. This can be anything from setting up an international bank account and transferring funds, to notifying your bank about your intention to move overseas. Buying foreign currency before the move can also help you have some funds readily available while also avoiding the uncertainties associated with fluctuating exchange rates. For more information, visit the Crown Relocations Foreign Currency Transfer page.

Macro money

4. Create a checklist

When planning and organising a move overseas, it’s essential to have a well-structured plan in order to stay organised throughout the entire process. The best way to do this is to create a checklist of tasks that need to be completed before the date of your move. This can include, packing your belongings, scheduling shipping, obtaining visas, organising international pet transfers and much more. By following a thorough and well-thought out plan, you can avoid any last minute stress or surprises.

5. Hire an experienced removalist

At Crown Relocations, we have nearly six decades of experience helping Australians moving overseas. From the moment you get in touch, to the very end and beyond, we’re with you all the way; helping you plan, prepare for and make your move, then helping you get settled on the other side. Our experienced team will keep you informed throughout the entire process, from the moment we pick up your belongings to final delivery at your new home. To find out more information about how we can help make your move overseas seamless, visit our International Removals Services page.

From start to finish, moving overseas requires careful planning and preparation. By following these tips, you can help make your relocation to a new country less stressful. More than anything else, stay positive, embrace new experiences and enjoy your new home!

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Crown Worldwide (Australia) Pty Ltd 2024